Are you looking forward to the warm weather? With the spring season, it is safe to assume that you are getting a little taste of this. While the temperatures have yet to reach summertime heat, it will be here soon enough.
While this may mean a lot to you in your personal life, more importantly, the warming weather can mean even more for your business. Since people aren’t couped up indoors any longer, access to comfortable outdoor space presents additional experiential marketing opportunities and the opportunity to engage higher volumes of people.
With experiential marketing, your goal is simple: to engage your target audience in a personal way. In other words, you want to give them an experience they are never going to forget.
There is no denying the fact that experiential marketing can be effective at any time of the year. Even when the weather is freezing cold and the snow is coming down, there are opportunities to implement this type of marketing plan. That being said, spring weather means more opportunities for those companies that understand the importance of experiential marketing.
Consider the following:
• When the weather warms up more people spend time outdoors. Subsequently, the opportunity to connect with these people is much greater. From outdoor shopping malls to parks, outside of office tours and street festivals, there are many destinations that will see a huge increase in activity as the weather continues to warm.
• More options during the spring season. As noted above, an experiential marketing strategy can be implemented during the cold months but more often than not, options will be limited to the indoors. When the warm weather settles in, your options expand, which allows you to settle on the opportunity with the best chance of yielding a high level of results.
• Your audience will be more receptive when the weather is warm. Have you ever tried engaging somebody outdoors when the temperature is near freezing or the snow is coming down? As you know, they will not want to stick around to see what you have to say. When the the weather is warm, people are more willing to hear you out.
The first day of spring has come and gone, bringing warmer temperatures. While the warm weather is going to last well into October, keep one thing in mind: it will be cold outside before you know it. If you wait too long to plan your next experiential marketing campaign, you may find that the warm weather has passed you by and you have to wait yet another year to take advantage of our Canadian summer season.
There is no better time than spring and summer for experiential marketing. The opportunity to engage with people who are spending time outdoors will never be greater.
Give us a ring at 647-286-9392 . We would love to discuss experiential marketing opportunities for the summer season with you.