Does your environment (work, personal life, etc.) provide you the opportunity to be the best, most effective you that you can be? Generally, most people cannot answer this question with an unequivocal 100% “Yes I am.” Below are 5 habits that we pooled together that you can use to become the most effective you yet!
HABIT 1: Visualize Your Goal(s)
Visualizing your end game brings you one step closer to actually making it happen.
Take the time to meditate on what really matters to you.
HABIT 2: There’s No Better Day than ‘TODAY’
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Procrastination is an idea killer.
Discover the reason why you are not engaging today: fear of failure?
Remember, “Early bird gets the worm”.
Set yourself a reminder to spend at least 1 hour each day dedicated to achieving your goal.
HABIT 3: Write It All Down
Ideas and inspirations can come from anywhere.
Tear out that article, buy or borrow that book!
Bullet points are your friend.
When a word just won’t do – take a quick photo with your smart phone.
Start a journal – this is a great way to write your experiences and endeavours down.
HABIT 4: Everything in Its Place
Organization is the key to success.
Getting organized can save you time and money to enjoy your life.
Take the necessary steps to get from point A to point B.
HABIT 5: Learn to Accept Failure
Nothing really worth having comes quickly or easily – and you better believe that you will stumble, if not a lot of the time.
Accept the situation: Understand right away that some things are NOT in your control. Most goals take time to achieve – it’s a marathon, not a race.
You are not alone: Surround yourself with like-minded people and support each other.
Take a Step Back: When you hit a road-block, take some time away from the project to clear your head or get a different perspective.
Fight for it: There will be many times when you will need to dust yourself off and get back on that horse and do it again.
Remember, studies have shown time and time again that to make something a habit you need to mentally and physically engage with it on a daily basis for at least a month or two. But that’s OK because you are a passionate and driven individual striving to be the most effective you that you can be!
Tigris has been around for over a decade, and many of our promotional models and brand ambassadors have been on our team for several years. We’ve watched as our staff have grown to take on extra duties and roles as a Team Lead or event manager. If you are looking for a position to that allows you to meet and work with outstanding people, become involved with inspirational events and ultimately gain confidence and develop stronger communication skills, we encourage you to apply today! If interested, please send 2-3 photos and your resume to [email protected]. If you are looking to utilize brand ambassadors at your next event, Tigris operates in over 15 markets across Canada including Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Edmonton. Give us a call at 647-286-9392 to learn more about our event staffing services.