2009 07 14 to 07 23 Tigris Events Staff Execute 5 Year Anniversary Promotion

2009 07 18 Bilingual Brand Ambassadors Host the Rogers Booth at Mabuhay
May 10, 2013
2009 07 10 to 07 11 Promotional Models for Intrepid Travel at the Carlu
May 10, 2013

Teams of Tigris Personnel’s events staff Calgary, Montreal, Toronto & Vancouver executed a street promotion to advertise our 5 year company anniversary and drive sales. The events staff handed out branded Tigris candies along with discount flyers for new clients outlining our services and photos from recent events. A total of 5,000 candies, 2500 flyers & 1000 brochures were handed out in each city for a total of 10,000 interactions and over 25,000 brand impressions!