brand awareness goals

Every company has their own brand awareness goals. What are yours?


Well, let’s first break down the meaning of brand awareness goals. Brand awareness is the extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services. Goals – everyone has them, and they’re all different! In general, a goal is the object of a person (or company’s) ambition or effort; moreover, it is an aim or desired result.

Whether you’re building your own personal brand, or you’re building the brand within a company, there’s always going to be goals that need to be reached. Without having goals, when will you ever lift off? Goals give you motivation, determination, and something to anticipate; therefore, it’s important to set them!

Setting brand awareness goals are much like creating a marketing plan, a business plan, or a personal plan. There has to be an end result. Have you heard of SMART goals before? When I mention SMART goals, I’m not just talking about intellectually smart goals – rather, SMART stands for Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

Let’s Create SMART Brand Awareness Goals!

When you’re laying out your goals, think of SMART! Below outlines what the acronym is all about:
Specific: Specific goals have a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal – plain and simple. The more specific you can be, the better! With specific goals, you make it easier on yourself to accomplish these goals because they clearly define and communicate what is expected.
Measurable: Establishing concrete criteria for measuring goal progress is extremely beneficial for growth. Measuring your goals allows you to stay on track and reach target deadlines – as you can agree, this is very important for your whole team to stay on track. Without making goals measureable, how will you know if you’ve actually reached the goal or not?
Attainable: Make sure you set your goals up for success! Nothing is more disappointing than knowing that you’ve set yourself up for failure, so make sure your goals are realistic to prevent disappointment. That being said, don’t be afraid of a little bit of challenge along the way!
Relevant: Is your goal relevant to you? Is it relevant to your organization? Under relevance is where you can ask yourself the big question – why do you want to reach this goal? What is the objective behind it and is it attainable? When you reach this goal, what will it contribute to your business?
Timely: Every goal needs a time frame, or it will never be completed! If you don’t set a time frame for your goal, there will be a sense of no urgency. It doesn’t matter if the date is close or far away, it should always be defined for you and your team. Make sure to clearly set the expectations.

Brand Awareness Goals Are In Tact – Now What?

Now that you’ve set your goals, how are you going to measure the success of your brand awareness? Here are a few factors to keep an eye on:
1. Website Traffic
• A few key performance indicators for brand awareness goals can be factored into website traffic. Be sure to track website visits, time spent on site, and pages consumed per visit to see what visitors are interested in.
2. Content Consumption
• What are visitors taking in on your website? Creative writing featured on your site is another great way to track the success of your brand awareness goals. Blog visits, comments, ratings, video views and downloads are all great ways to measure brand awareness.
3. Social Engagement
• 2017 has been a HUGE year for social media, and many businesses are using it to their advantage. If your business is on social media, take note of growth on followers, shares, retweets, and all of that fun stuff! Engagement matters more than the # of followers you have. Make sure YOUR brand is liking, commenting and sharing as well.

Need help creating brand awareness goals? Tigris can help you build your brand by creating memorable experiences for you and your customers. Contact us today to see what we have to offer! Our # is 647-286-9392 .