Since 1986, Teriyaki Experience has been delivering fast, fresh and healthy Japanese-inspired food. This unique franchise concept is centered around teppanyaki grill where meals are prepared fast, yet fresh to fulfill guests’ taste for great flavours and premium-quality meals. Tigris was contacted by Innovative Food Brands to distribute Teriyaki Experience Fairview flyers to all 180+ stores within the Cadillac Fairview Mall. While distributing flyers, the staff was to engage in a brief conversation about the promotion and brand. Below are a few testimonials from retailers:
- “Oh wow, they are finally open today!”
- “Where are they located in the mall?”
- “OH MY GOODNESS. They are finally open!”
- “WOW this is a great discount. I know what I’m eating for lunch now.”
- “This is perfect, I left my lunch at home. Ill be getting Teriyaki Experience for lunch!”
- “Oh wow, thank you so much. This just made my day so much better.”
Are you looking to increase brand awareness for your product or service? Contact Tigris today to learn more about our event planning and staffing services.